Thursday 14 February 2013

Valentine’s roundup!

So soon off the back of Pancake Day comes Valentine’s Day! Will you be celebrating?

I don’t go in for Valentine’s in a big way, even when in a relationship it’s not really my thing...huge romantic gestures on a specific day of the year that is so heavily marketed and hyped up doesn’t really do it for me... That said I am a bit of a romantic but a moment of spontaneous expression or subtle gestures of love are much more meaningful! 

Don’t get me wrong, I'm not a total cynic and a little bit of love any day of the year can never be a bad thing. I love this photo- some may have already seen it up on my Facebook page, it was taken along the cliffs in Ireland last year.... a little reminder from nature if ever it were needed.

Plus when it comes to valentines day, any excuse for a little treat is always welcome and when that little treat can be a healthy indulgence all the better.  So today I wanted to give you a little round up of my Valentine themed recipes and some others from around the web that have caught my eye. I know these aren't all fitting with my Whole Foods Lent Challenge (though many of mine are pretty close and could easily be adapted if needed) but I was a little bit stumped in finding all sugar-free whole food recipes!!

At least this time I am only eating them with my eyes!  My first proper 'whole foods' sugar post will be with you on saturday.

Let me know how you spent your Valentine’s... loved up or otherwise. :-)
More inspiration from around the web, with thanks the Pinterest. Remember love is not just for Valentines Day! Show some spontaneous foodie love all year round :-)  P.S these recipes are not necessary vegan but are simply to give you inspiration to make your own versions to suit. Credits below each.

red velvet heart pancakes by Be Different Act Normal

Choc filled strawberries by Lily Shop

the perfect pear by Lily Shop
chocolate mousse cookies by Style Me Pretty

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