Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Friday, 31 May 2013

Inspired in May

May has now come and gone. Crazy. It's all been a bit much really.

Whilst this month should have been one of the most positive in my life so far, it's all felt somewhat overwhelming which has marred my ability to enjoy the moments in between…the moments that mean everything!

This month saw my 30th birthday and also saw the launch of my Wholeplus business… two huge milestones on my life. My birthday came and went in barely the blink of an eye as I felt so engulfed in being 'busy', so much so that I have yet to formally celebrate it with my family.

All experiences are there to be learnt from and built upon, and I had a wakeup call and a few moments of realisation in that time. My goals for the forthcoming year? To learn the art of relaxation, the ability to take time out, and the reasoning not to sweat the small stuff.  

All is good. Life is good and I have everything I could ever want at my finger tips…it's all in my control. 

Run with it! Catch me if you can...

See you in June!

love the pineapple peeler and spiraliser

lots of quinoa cookies

milestone reached

old photo albums...the day I was 

the melon cake was fun!

my first ever tofu and GF pizza at a vegan restaurant

lots of bowls like this!

experiments with almond paste... 3 ingredient cookies

julienning to the max!
lots of watermelon concoctions

watermelon coconut coolers

so cousins new puppy!

My dad's camera collection made me smile 
My first attempt at rice paper wraps....hmmm need practice!

Hot air ballon on a beautiful early morning run

Absolutely loving my oatmeal bakes at the moment!!

Ha ha- more photo album perusal...I always loved cameras!

Birthday girl!!

This month in pictures. You can follow my Instagram here! (i'd love to see you)

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Apple and blueberry 'birthday' baked oatmeal (or Mother's Day breakfast!)

I hadn't been planning to post today... My big birthday was going to be a nice chilled out morning followed by a trip out this afternoon. Relaxing...what's that!?!

It ended up being a brief trip to the gym, followed by this amazing breakfast (a last minute idea), a few presents to open, a this blog post write up.... and then my trip out, all because I couldn't contain the excitement of this breakfast and quite a few of you on Facebook saw the picture, got curious and wanted the recipe (I don't blame you!!)  This would make the most amazing Mother' Day brunch for those of you in parts of the world that have Mother's Day this weekend- hence why I wanted to post it for you!!

Saying that I did have an hour or so spent 'pottering' about the house, and my pottering took the form of looking through old photo albums and smiling over childhood photos.  Gosh has 30 years reqally gone by...!

This one in particular tickles me.... already behind the camera!  I also seem to have spent a of of time in my underwear?!  I made a little montage for you. I think actually come across as a lovely 'quiet and calm' child....ha ha that's not quite the story my mum would tell you :-)

The recipe is right below. I'm not going to go on and on describing how to make it, how to tastes, ways to vary it etc etc. Quite simple because it tastes amazing (think breakfast brunch or dessert!), it's ridiculously simple and also because....I wanna go out!  Byeeeeeee

P.s I will have more birthday related foodie things to come...just ran out of time this week with my business launch!!

Recipe: Apple and blueberry 'birthday' baked oatmeal

Serves 2 (or 3)


2/3 cup oats
tiny pinch salt
1 1/4 cup apple juice
1 apple- grated
1 tbs chia/flax seed
1/2 tsp mixed spice or cinnamon
large handful frozen blueberries (I haven't tried with fresh so I am not sure of cooking times)
small handful of pumpkin seeds (or other seeds/nuts as preferred)


Mix everything together reserving most of the blueberries and pumpkin seeds to add on the top last. Spoon into a medium oven dish and add the blueberries pumkin seeds. Sprinkle with exra sugar if you like, but this was seriously sweet enough for me (I would even serve it as desert) just from the fruit and fruit juice.

Bake at 180C for approx. 25 mins until the topping is golden. Serve immediately.  

For further guidance on making gluten free choices please see this post.

For tips and info on recipe measurement conversions, ingredients, substitutions and the methods behind how I do things.... check out my 'baking tips' tab at the top of the page.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Inspired in April

Well, that was cheeky...May just snuck up on me without so much as a warning, I felt sure there was at least a week of April left!

Well it’s no all bad, actually not bad at all. May is an awesome month...not least because it’s my birthday in less that 2 weeks time! Also spring is here bringing with it blue skies and sunshine (if still pretty chilly) and last but not least also because this May looks set to pretty scary and exciting in equal measures with the launch of my new fitness product range.... and more intense Tough Mudder training.

What is the meaning of life if not scary and exciting?

The latest developments also means I’ve hit a little secret ultimatum I had set myself. Anyway, I will no doubt filling you in on all that very soon, but for is my little Instagram inspired round up of April.

leaping on the life! 
Driving along the beach at sunset...bliss

beautiful views across the Welsh hills

Smoothie time...really getting into them now!

couldn't resist...they were on sale. 
pretty spoons...a present from my dad

more spoon (this time a present to myself)

Green stuff!

My new feet...getting Tough Mudder ready

blue skies 

A bowl of on earth did this one sneak in ;-)

getting ready for the product launch.

You can find me on Instagram here!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Inspired in March

I can't believe we've reached Easter already and the time of year the clocks move forward to 'summer time'...summer time, with all this snow? Crazy!!

This month has been another busy one. Developments have been moving forward since my last 'inspired' post and I had the taster evening launch of my new venture which was inspiring, motivating and terrifying in equal I simply need to reflect on my options and push forward during April. Exciting times!

I also visited the Vitality Show in London, which was another great opportunity to be inspired by th passions of others, learn about what's going of in the world of health and wellness and see all the new products and ventures being launched around us. I love being part of it all.

At the beginning of this year I had begun a gratitude diary. That has fallen a little by the wayside but I keen to begin noting down my thoughts of gratitude on a regular basis once again.

One entry from the beginning March included these thoughts of gratitude:

• choice
• ducks on a lake
• my warm fleece throw
• ugg boots as slippers
• the sweetness of dates

Here is my month of inspiration in pictures. What have you been inspired by this month?

mothers day breakfast

cauliflower rice

vegan feta cheese (recipe to come!)

breakfast sprinkles

energy bars!!

colourful spices

green smoothie with mint!

real raw cocoa beans

green smoothie go to recipe


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